Node.js API

Germinator is a Node.js module, so a programmatic API is available.

A subset of Germinator functionality is available in a browser-compatible format.

import { renderSeed } from '@germinator/core';
import { makeHelpers } from '@germinator/helpers';

const template = `
    - Moby Dick
    - The Great Gatsby
    - To Kill a Mockingbird
    - Southern
    - Northern


{{#each @root.books as |book|}}
{{#each @root.libraries as |library|}}
  - title: {{book}}
    library: {{library}}
    checkedOutBy: {{chance "name"}}

const output = renderSeed(template, makeHelpers());

The output here will be an object that looks like:

  bookCollection: [
      title: 'Moby Dick',
      library: 'Southern',
      checkedOutBy: 'Seth Tran',
      title: 'Moby Dick',
      library: 'Northern',
      checkedOutBy: 'Isaiah Erickson',
      title: 'The Great Gatsby',
      library: 'Southern',
      checkedOutBy: 'Winifred Barnes',
      title: 'The Great Gatsby',
      library: 'Northern',
      checkedOutBy: 'Scott Collins',
      title: 'To Kill a Mockingbird',
      library: 'Southern',
      checkedOutBy: 'Todd Houston',
      title: 'To Kill a Mockingbird',
      library: 'Northern',
      checkedOutBy: 'Elijah Watson',

Database Seeds

Of course, normal germinator functionality is available as well.

import { runSeeds } from '@germinator/node';
import { makeHelpers } from '@germinator/helpers';

await runSeeds(
    helpers: makeHelpers(),
    folder: `${__dirname}/seeds`,
    db: {
      client: 'postgres',
      pool: { min: 1, max: 1 },
      connection: {
        host: 'localhost',
        port: 5432,
        user: 'admin',
        password: 's3cur3',
    // optional runtime properties
    dryRun: false,
    noTracking: false,

The API accepts a Knex instance as db, and an array of SeedFile objects instead of folder if you want to manually construct them.