

We include all of the handlebar-helpers. There are over 180 of them, so check them out!

We also include the repeat helper:

{{#repeat 1000 as |i|}}
  $id: book-{{i}}

{{#repeat start=17 count=2}}
  $id: book-{{@index}}


The {{chance}} helper uses Chance.js for random data.

In general, any Chance.js function can be called like {{chance "fnName"}} with arguments proceeding the function name.

Boolean{{chance "bool"}}
Integer{{chance "integer"}}
{{chance "integer" min=0 max=10}}
Float{{chance "float"}}
Integer{{chance "integer"}}
Prime{{chance "prime"}}
Letter{{chance "letter"}}
Text{{chance "string"}}
Paragraph{{chance "paragraph"}}
Sentence{{chance "sentence"}}
Word{{chance "word"}}
Date{{chance "date"}}
First Name{{chance "first"}}
Last Name{{chance "last"}}
Full Name{{chance "name"}}
Email{{chance "email"}}
URL{{chance "url"}}
City{{chance "city"}}
Country{{chance "country"}}
Postal{{chance "postal"}}
Zip Code{{chance "zip"}}
GUID{{chance "guid"}}

All of the functions listed in Chance.js should be supported, only a subset are listed here. Arguments that are passed will be forwarded into Chance.js's generators.


The {{faker}} helper uses Faker.js for random data.

In general, any Faker.js function can be called like {{faker "namespace.method"}} with arguments proceeding the function name.

Date{{faker "date.past"}}
Phone Number{{faker "phone.phoneNumber"}}

All of the functions listed in Faker.js should be supported, only a subset are listed here. Arguments that are passed will be forwarded into Faker.js's generators.


The {{moment}} helper is useful for handling dates.

Formatting{{moment "2019-01-01" format="MM-DD-YY"}}
Parse as UTC{{moment "2019-01-01" utc=true}}
Mutations{{moment "2019-01-01" "[add,5,days]"}}
{{moment "2019-01-01" (momentAdd var "days")}}
{{moment "2019-01-01" (momentSubtract var "days")}}


The {{password}} helper renders password hashes using bcrypt.

Hashing{{password "testing"}}
{{password "testing" rounds=5}}
Insecure{{password "testing" insecure=true}}

The insecure option is as it sounds. It's a lot faster than random salts for every password you make though. This is useful for development environments with 1000s of users, where you want every germinator run to be a no-op (secure passwords by definition will hash differently every time).

Custom Helpers

The Node.js API has a helpers argument in runSeeds and basically any other functions that use them. You can provide your own helpers on top of those, or replace them entirely.

import { makeHelpers } from '@germinator/helpers';
import { runSeeds } from '@germinator/node';

await runSeeds({
  helpers: {
    myHelper() {
      return 'this is custom!';
  folder: ...,
  db: { ... },